About Alisha

My love for serving women in their childbearing years started at my little sisters birth at home in 2013. I was present for my moms prenatal appointments and her birth, in that a spark was kindling! Nine months later, we approached her midwife and asked if there were books or courses she could recommend for me to do just to get my toes wet! She saw something in me and threw me straight into apprenticeship, she taught be how to read urinalysis strips and palate baby’s position and so much more! She was so generous with her time and wisdom; I spent 8 years with her and her families. Thank you to those women and their families for welcoming me into their stories and being patient with me as I learned. Some women I got to serve through 4 pregnancies!
My heart for birth and women has been seen through years of sitting at their feet serving them during their births. I am a graduate of The Indie Birth Midwifery School. I am active in pursuing continuing education whether through personal deeper study, breech and twins training, resolving shoulder dystocia’s, Postpartum Mother Roasting, CPR/NRP training, and much more. Our scope of walking together is wide and covers many areas, because our birth journeys are only the tip of the iceberg of what we’re being invited into! I am first and foremost a tool for the hands of our Creator. I am not a licensed midwife or certified professional midwife, I am not a doctor, nurse, or nurse-midwife. I am an autonomous, traditional, radical woman that walks with women. I have relationships with local midwives should there be a medication or test option that you would like to take advantage of, that we don’t have access to.
My passion for freedom of birth choices is also seen through my own unassisted pregnancy and birth with my daughter in 2023 – to read my birth story and watch it (!) head to my Instagram, @birthcultivated
Through a Faith Based Private Family Health and Education Ministry (Birth Cultivate Ministries) we walk with you as you discover and sit in your power as a birthing woman! Whether we’re walking together regularly for 7+ months, or you choose a la carte appointments and birth, we still strive to serve you fully and uplift you to see Christ more
About Jocelyn Grace
I am the second oldest of six children and had the immense pleasure of attending my youngest sibling’s birth when I was 10 years old. I quickly became passionate about pregnancy and birth and began seriously studying homebirth when I was 15 years old.
I desire to learn all I can to best serve women in their childbearing years. I am passionate about supporting pregnancy and birth as a sacred physiological process and aiding in keeping the mother-baby dyad intact postpartum!
I am a baby wearing consultant & enthusiast, I have several different styles of carriers and a plethora of brands. I started building a collection and wore babies of any parent that gave me permission! I absolutely love helping parents find the right carrier for them and the baby they’re going to wear, and then helping them get the best fit! It brings me great joy when babies are kept close, comfortable, safe, snug and happy when someone they love is wearing them. To schedule a fit check (video call) or for education connect with me on IG: @walking.with.the.rooted
My education and experience:
- Massachusetts Midwives Alliance one year of basic midwifery 2010-2011
- ToLabor Doula workshop 2011
- Doula Certified 2013
- Wisconsin apprenticeship for six weeks in 2017 (sixteen births and fifty+ prenatal and postpartum appointments)
- Midwifery Assistant workshop on The Farm in Tennessee in 2017
- NRP with Karen Strange in 2018 and 2023
- Currently enrolled in Indie Birth Midwifery School, set to graduate summer of 2025