Alisha Meyer -Traditional Birth Attendant and Birth Sister

Traditional Birth Attendant and Birth Sister

Whether virtually or in person, I have been witnessing and serving women during their pregnancy + birth stories, some throughout multiple stories, since 2014! Educating, walking with women (definition of “midwife”), being a servant to (definition of “doula/birth sister”), holding space, listening, and empowering are passions that run deep, stemming from my great-grandmother, Village Partera in El Salvador. We’re here to serve you through your variation of normal, we’re here to be your sisters & confidants.

Our Mission

We are cultivating relationships rooted in autonomy and community to lift each other up to know Christ deeper.

Showing up to be with woman in all seasons – pre-pregnancy, through the birthing year, and as she is training up her heritage.

Serving as guides with hands, experience, and knowledge to nourish and preserve generational stories.

“Proclaim the LORD’s greatness with me; let us exalt his name together.”

― Psalms 34:3

How we can serve you


Bengkung belly binding, warm oil massage, yoni steaming, herbal bathing, and more

in PERSON + VIRTUAL Holistic Birth Care

Prenatal, birth support, postpartum care

Placenta Encapsulation

TCM & raw method offered. 2-4 day turnaround time. Picked up + delivered straight to you


- K. Cole Virtual Consulting

As a first time momma, I felt overwhelmed and had so many questions and fears. Alisha took the time to thoroughly listen to whatever questions I had and she was also so insightful. She helped calm my nerves and gave reassurance as I prepared to bring my little one into the world

- Anonymous

Alisha was integral to my birth. She is why I got through the most difficult parts of my birth. Her gentle spirit, her kind voice, her constant reassuring, & her ability to intuitively know my needs made her essential to my successful home birth. I am grateful beyond words to her!

- B. Ramirez Private Member

Alisha is the best person I could have had at (both) my homebirths. She is sweet, quiet, & so gently encouraging in the midst of the marathon that is birth, and having her there was such a blessing for me. My last birth my active labor was only about 25 mins and at that point I started pushing (FER) & started to panic that it was happening too quickly. Alisha’s soft countenance calmed me as a breathed my baby girl into the world! Thank you, Alisha! Your support made all the difference in my amazing home births!

Some website design help and photo credits: Murrieta Marketing (, Juan (, Taylor Baker (@taylorvictoriaphotos), and Paige Klingsporn (@paigecreative)