Miscarraige Support
Miscarriage is birth and death simultaneously. Miscarriage is ecstatic connection and unquenchable loss. - Tami Lynn Kent, Wild Feminine
Dear Sister,
We don’t know the words you need to heal and process, and we don’t pretend to have all the answers or to know your hearts story. The intention behind this project is to give clarity, guidance, answers, and sister support.
We’re sorry this is something you’re walking through, we pray you have family and community to hold you while the waves come crashing in.

As a ministry to women, we provide free miscarriage support (donations are welcome, they are precious and allow us to continue this servitude). Email us to request a miscarriage support box, to schedule a call for a listening ear or to schedule a consultation to help you along this story. Loss is something no woman should feel along or lost in, this is an early birth and we want to honor you, your baby, and this journey.
Coming Soon
Miscarriage Support Box Contents
Homemade rice pack, Rose & Motherwort Tincture, Wool Socks, The Way of a Miscarriage PDF, Collection Strainer, Container for your baby, Saline Solution for short term preservation, a Keepsake Windchime, PeriBottle for rinsing what is collected in the strainer, and Red Raspberry Leaf & Ground Cinnamon Tea Bags.
While the Support Box is not available yet, The Way of a Miscarriage resource is ready to support you and your family, just leave me a message below and I’ll send it to you
Sneak Peek inside this wisdom well

Get Support from Alisha
Tell me your story and what you’re needing – I’ll email you back with follow up questions